Our Church
St. John Baptist Church (‘Berkswell Church’) is a thriving Christian community which lives for the glory of God and the transformation of the local community by the love and power of Jesus Christ.
Who are we?
We are a warm, inclusive middle-of-the-road Anglican Church, part of the Diocese of Coventry in the Church of England seeking to worship God in spirit and truth, make disciples and transform communities.
Where have we come from?
People have worshipped and prayed in Berkswell for over a thousand years. Over the centuries, the outstandingly beautiful church building,with its astonishing crypt, has attracted worshippers, pilgrims and visitors drawn by a powerful sense of the presence of God.
What are we like?
We are a lively, welcoming and growing church with a wonderful community feel, close links with the local primary school and village community. The congregations are “all-age”, including significant numbers of families with young children, attracted by first-rate children’s groups.
What do we hope for?
To grow God’s Kingdom by investing in relationships, encouraging people in their journey into God, and equipping them to live as Christians in whom faith and life connect in a complex world.